Raw Carrots
Daucus carota
Safe Raw
Good Fiber Source
Fresh raw carrots with green tops



Serving Size Consideration: One medium carrot or about 1 cup chopped

Safe Serving Size: Up to 2 medium carrots per serving

Active Compounds: Polyols, fructans (in very low amounts)

Fermentation Level:
Very Low

Digestive Impact

Why it's problematic: Rarely

Specific symptoms: Minimal to none in most people

Typical reaction time frame: Usually within 0-4 hours if any reaction occurs

Individual variation: Very low variation between individuals

Safe Alternatives

Substitution ratio: 1:1

Processing Effects

Cooking slightly increases FODMAP content but remains in safe range

Freezing does not significantly affect FODMAP content

Stacking Considerations

Avoid combining with:

  • sweet potatoes
  • parsnips
  • butternut squash

Safe complementary foods: Can be safely combined with most low FODMAP vegetables and proteins

Reintroduction Guidelines
  1. Start with 1 small raw carrot (60g)
  2. If tolerated, increase to 1 medium carrot (128g)
  3. Can progress to multiple servings per day if well tolerated

Signs of success: No digestive discomfort after consumption, normal bowel movements

Hidden Sources

Common products containing garlic:

  • mixed vegetable juices
  • coleslaw
  • salad mixes
  • vegetable medley

Alternative names: baby carrots, carrot sticks, julienned carrots, shredded carrots

Individual Variables

Factors affecting tolerance:

  • Overall fiber tolerance
  • Chewing capability
  • Individual digestive sensitivity

Tip: Start with well-peeled, finely grated carrots if fiber sensitivity is a concern